BISP, NADRA mobile van service registers persons with disabilities in capital

ISLAMABAD, May 6 (APP): The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) has started the process of registration of persons with disabilities and their families and issuance of smart cards through the Mobile Registration Vans (MRV) in the federal capital, like other parts.
The process of registration with BISP and issuance of smart cards is being carried out through these MRVs launched with joint efforts of BISP and NADRA.
According to an official source, the vans are visiting different spots to facilitate the persons with disabilities in the registration process with BISP as well as obtaining the smart cards from NADRA.
The objective behind the idea of launching MRV was to facilitate the “special persons” who are living below poverty line and intend to register with the BISP for availing its different schemes. While the facility of issuance of smart card will also be given to them.
BISP is the largest social protection program launched in the history of this country which is serving the needy people through its multi-faceted schemes including Benazir Kafaalat, Benazir Undergraduate Scholarship Program, Benazir Education Stipends, Benazir Nashonuma.
The BISP identifies the deserving beneficiaries through National Socio-Economic Survey and enroll them in the programme while the people with special abilities and transgenders, have also been included in the programme and they can register themselves to avail the benefits.